U.S. Patent No. 8,197,257
- A new level to training that is realistic and helps to eliminate problems faced when teaching breaching techniques.
- Steel framed door with a revolutionary patented hinge system that allows for almost any breaching scenario.
- Can be used as a free standing unit or mounted into any shoot or smoke house with ease.
- Fully reversible swing causing it to open in the opposite direction, allowing you to have virtually four doors in one.
- Capable of prying, ram, and shotgun breaching.
- Has interchangeable inserts for simple, fast resets allowing for multiple training sessions, instant correction of improper techniques, shorter training sessions and a range of difficulty levels for various entries.
- Can be secured with wooden dowels or locked with a door knob and deadbolts.
- Practice entry whether destructive or non-destructive to regular doors.
- Large breaching area and patented angled legs brings realism to your training unlike any other products that are offered on the market today, which are more limited. This allows for an easier, more lifelike access with a less chance of operator injury.
NAME: All Purpose Breaching (APB) Door
PURPOSE: Multipurpose Breaching Door that helps demonstrate correct breaching techniques
- Multi-Swing
- Inside or Outside Swing
- Left or Right Swing
HINGE SYSTEM: Patented new technology hinge
- Free Standing
- Mount in any Shoot or Smoke Training House
- Prying – Haligan
- Sledge Hammer
- Battering Ram
- Pneumatic / Hydraulic Tools
- Shotgun Breaching (Law Enforcement)
- Fire
- Military
- Law Enforcement
- Standard 2 x 8
- Standard 2 x 4
- Wooden Dowel (Assorted Sizes)
- Standard Size Door Knobs and/or Dead bolt locks